Thursday, August 8, 2013

Spice Box

A little back story on this one. My wife went to India a few years back and has adapted some of her cooking preferences to Indian style food as well as pretty much anything with a kick to it. I love the style and the heat, my stomach however does not. I get over this by investing in Tums. All that to say, I've been trying to chase down Spice Box for a couple of weeks now and I finally got the chance to try some delicious food.

You can find their menu on their totally usable website. Pro tip to the rest of you guys, this is a pretty good example of what I mean when I mention that the website is useful to find info on the trucks and menu. Props Spice Box! Twitter is @spiceboxindy

I caught them today at #Clustertruck in the Precedent Office Park. Super easy access for you northsiders.

The guy who took my order was very passionate about his food. Rightly so too, it was delicious. I got the Chicken Tandoori tacos and this awesome Indian cola called Thums Up (spelling off the bottle).

The tacos were like an Indian taste explosion. The chicken, rice, onions, and chickpeas (am I wrong on that Spice Box?) all wrapped up in some Roti bread were exactly what I was hoping for. I feel like I might have missed out a bit by not ordering the spicy rice but I figured I was already going to be worshiping Tums later, why risk it. If you can handle more heat than this Irish guy I'd suggest going all out on it. Fair warning, if you don't care for onions then ask for light or none at all. They came with quite a few on the tacos and they were solid, hot, red onions. Delicious, but not for everyone.

He had me try a chutney made with Thai peppers which was also a solid 10 on the taste factor. It really did add dimension to the flavor but be warned, Thai peppers make your silly hot sauce look like it's for kids.

The Thums Up soda is awesome. Think Mexican coke (the real sugar kind) with a hint of birch beer. My bottle was gone in the 6 minutes it took me to drive home.

If you aren't into Indian food or don't know if you are into Indian food I always say try something new. It's like creole flavors with slightly different spices. Curry is probably the least approachable thing and I'm sure if you ask nicely they'd let you try a couple of things before you buy. Just don't be like me for the first 20 years of my life and avoid something because you aren't sure of it.

All in all, Spice Box gets two Thums Up (my wife thinks I use puns too much). I think I'll go back Saturday when they serve at Shakespeare In The Park at White River. If my wife finds something she likes you'll see the new section of my blog called "Stuff My Wife Likes" which is the most clever thing I could think of. Look for lots of the more spicy options in her section.

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