Saturday, July 27, 2013

Extreme Pizza

Extreme Pizza is a chain pizza joint up in Fishers. They don't advertise, that I've seen, and it took a coworker recommending them for me to even check them out. Glad I did.

Their website is actually useful. The store in Fishers doesn't actually have a twitter that I can find so if you go in hassle them to make one.

Scroll down and look at that pizza. Yes I did snap that picture in my dark living room after I had already started eating it. Yes, it was delicious. What you see here is the Boar'Der pizza. The pork is a nice alternative to the standard chicken pizza. I've also had wings and the screamin' tomato pizza, both of which exceeded my standards.

Check this place out. They have a food truck that roams but I can't tell you how to find it because they apparently don't post that anywhere. I do know they stop at Angie's List office on 30th and Shadeland every Monday though, so if you are on the east side and what some delicious pizza or wings stop on by.

For you northsiders, give these guys a call. They deliver just about everywhere and, if you are out of their area, they'll probably do it anyways.

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