Friday, July 26, 2013

Scout's Treats

I'm going to preface this post by letting you all know that I am rarely in the mood for sweets. Cake and cupcakes really aren't a consistent desire for me but, when I do get a craving for something fluffy and sugar filled, I check to see if the cupcake lady is here.

Scouts Treats makes cupcakes, popcorn, brownies, and the occasional lemon shake up. You can find her by checking her twitter @ScoutsTreats .

I've had something like four or five different types of  cupcakes and her sea salt brownie. No matter what kind I get I get that 2:30 feeling within about 20 minutes. I really can't exaggerate about the size of these things. You know those soup containers you get from Chinese takeout? These cupcakes and brownies make it so you can't close them.

If I had to choose I would start with the Unauthorized Reeces cupcake but her selection for each day is different so if you have a doubt just ask her. She won't steer you wrong.

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