Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The NY Slice

Can you tell I like Pizza? Seriously, my future cardiologist is just going to print my blog as a good reason to raise prices for me.

The NY Slice has two trucks that roam around offering (what I can only assume) authentic NY style pizza. You can find them on twitter @theNYslice.

The truck only has a couple of types of pizza on board. I got some peperoni because you can tell a lot about a pizza joint by how they handle basic Peperoni pizza.

In short, it was delicious. I mean really good. I've been thinking for about 3 hours how to best describe it to you and I think the closest pizza you could find to this is vendor pizza from the fair. No need to wait until fair time though as the NY slice has a store! They're on 10th St and I spy sriracha flavored wings on their menu. Dinner maybe?

I digress. The point is, this pizza is good and I will try it again. My only complaint is that it's greasy. Like, had to put some paper towels under the plate because it was making a mess on my desk, greasy. If you think greasy pizza is gross and are the type of person to sponge it off, this may not be for you.

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